Развлекательный портал - Ramnek.RU

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Appearance and Manners

   When we speak about somebody's figure, face, hands, feet we mean his or her appearance. A person may be tall, middlesized or short, thin or plump. A face may be round, oval or square. In summer some people may have freckles on their faces. Old people have wrinkled faces.
   People's hair may be long or shot, thin or thick, good or bad, straight or curly. If it is long it is often plaited. Its colour may be black or fair, chestnut or red. Old people have grey hair. Eyes may be large or small. They may be of different colour, grey, green, black, or hazel (brown).
   Cheeks may be rosy or pale (if a person is ill), plump or hollow (if a person is very ill). Some people have dimples in their cheeks when they smile.
   Women usually have their hair done'at the hairdresser's. The manner of walking is called the walk (gait). One's step may be: light, heavy, firm. Old people often shuffle their feet, have a shuffling gait.