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Washington, the capital of the United States of America,
is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia.
The district is a piece of land ten miles square and it does
not belong to any separate state but to all the states. The
district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of
The capital owes much to the first President of the USA —
George Washington. It was G. Washington, who chose the
place for the District and laid in 1790 the corner-stone of the
Capitol, where Congress sits.
Washington is not the largest city in the USA. It has a
population of 900 000 people.
Washington is a one-industry town. That industry is
government. It does not produce anything except very much
scrap paper. Every day 25 railway cars leave Washington
loaded with scrap paper.
Washington has many historical places. The largest and
tallest among the buildings is the Capitol with its great House
of Representatives and the Senate chamber. There are no skyscrapers in Washington because no other building must be taller than the Capitol.
The White House is the President's resiaence. All American
presidents except George Washington (the White House was
not yet built in his time), have lived in the White House. It
was built in 1799. It is a two-storied, white building.
Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument,
which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 metres and is
hollow inside. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70
seconds from where they can enjoy a wonderful view of the
whole city.
The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third
President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the
author of the Declaration of Independence. The memorial is
surrounded by cherry-trees.
The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the
16th President of the US, the author of the Emancipation
Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in
On the other bank of the Potomac lies the Arlington National
Cemetery where President Kennedy was buried. American
soldiers and officers, who died in World Wars I and II are
buried there too.
1. What city is the capital of the USA?
2. Where is Washington situated?
3. To which state does the city of Washington belong?
4. In whose honour is the district of Columbia named?
5. Who was the first President of the USA?
6. Who chose the place for the District?
7. Is Washington the largest city in the USA?
8. What is the population of Washington?
9. What industries are situated in the city?
10. What do 25 railway cars leave Washington loaded
11. Why are there no sky-scrapers in Washington?
12. Where is the President's residence?
13. When was the White House built?
14. In whose memory was the Jefferson Memorial
15. Who is the author of the Declaration of Independence?
16. Which document gave freedom to Negro slaves in
17. Who was buried at the Arlington National Cemetery?
separate — отдельный
to be named in honour — быть названным в честь
except — кроме, за исключением
scrap paper — макулатура
hollow — полый, пустой
to enjoy a wonderful view of — любоваться прекрас-
ным видом
cherry-trees — вишневые деревья
on the other bank — на другом берегу
The beautiful city of Washington D.C. is the capital of the
United States and the centre of its government. The capital
was named after the first president George Washington and
was founded in 1790. It is situated on the Potomac River in
the District of Columbia. Washington is not the largest city
in the USA. It has about 900 000 inhabitants.
Washington D.C. has nothing characteristically American
in it, as its conception is purely French. It has long wide
avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all.
Washington is the residence of the President and the Con-
gress of the USA. The White House is the President's residence,
the Capitol — the seat of the American Congress. The largest
and the tallest among the buildings is the Capitol with its
great House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. There
are no scyscrapers because no other building must be taller
than the Capitol. All american presidents except George
Washington (the White House was not yet built in his time)
have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799.
Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, where
there are many research institutes, five universities, the National
Academy of Science and the Library of Congress.
There is one more well-known building in Washington —
Pentagon, the residence of the US Military department. It is
situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac.
1. What is the capital of the USA?
2. Who was the first President of the USA?
3. Is White House situated there?
4. Did George Washington live in the White House?
5. Name the famous buildings in Washington.
6. Is there any industry in Washington?
to be founded — быть основанным
conception — понятия, замысел
skyscraper — небоскреб
except — за исключением
suburb — пригород
Washington sprang out of a marshy wilderness. It's
named after George Washington, the first President of the
United States. Washington is situated on the Potomac River
in the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is
outside the jurisdiction of any state and subjects only to the
control of the Federal Congress. Washington is the seat of
the Federal Government of the United States. It has been
the capital of the USA since 1800. It has about 900 000
Washington is one of the least industrialized metropolises
in the world. However, in many ways it's a typical American
city. Washington often rates as "dangerous" on the scale of
air pollution. The air is periodically toxic from exhaust fumes.
The water in Potomac is polluted. There are traffic jams in
rush hours in its streets. Washington is often called the city
of underprivileged and poor blacks.
In spite of all its problems, Washington has another
nickname — the American Paris. The major attractions for
tourists are in the heart of Washington. Among them the
National Museum of History, the National Museum of Natural
History. The National Gallery of Art exhibits thousands of
the world's finest canvases.
The Library of Congress is the younger rival of the London
Library of the British Museum. It contains a lot of books,
prints and photos. There's hardly a park, a square or a open
area in the capital without monument or a memorial. The
most impressive and best-known of them are the Lincoln
Memorial and the Washington Monument.
The Washington Monument is the highest structure of the city. The oldest building in Washington is the White House, the official residence of the President. Washington's broad and long
streets add to the poise of the city.
Most of them are called after states — Pennsylvania Avenue, Connecticut Avenue. The capital is also proud of its two universities — Georgetown University and George Washington University.
1. What is the capital of the USA?
2. What is another Washington's name?
3. Is Washington a typical American city?
4. What kind of interesting places are there in the city?
5. Name the most famous monuments in the city.
marshy wilderness — болотная пустошь
jurisdiction — юрисдикция
exhaust fumes — выхлопные газы